Look no further, i have made one http://sqlbuilds.ekelmans.com/ It is automatically updated every 2 hours, based on the excellent sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.com site Enjoy,T.
To my surprise, it is actually possible to calculate holidays in SQL, because most of our holidays are at an offset to Easter Sunday. The example below is based on the Netherlands, but can easily adapted to your locality. For those of you who want a 7 KB console app to play around with, you […]
SP; search Query plan cache for issues, like table scans, missing indexes or stats, or any other command
What is the Used, Free and Reserved space per DB / LOG
What is the relative load per DB in CPU, IO and CLR?
What is the actual (sparse) file size on disk of a snapshot?
Determine the page life expectancy per NUMA node (is it balanced?)
Displays the IO in bytes per database per drive [table id=3 /]
Displays the free space,free space percentage plus total drive size for a server [table id=2 /]
Show the CPU load in last 256 minutes